America Emboldened Presents:
America Emboldened presents: is a trusted place for courageous discussions, truth, and uncensored 100% independent journalism, commentary, and entertainment. Greg Boulden and Chris Michaels bring cutting edge interviews, content, and unfiltered access to critical thought on all topics. Monday: Boulden & Michaels, Tuesday: The Chris Michaels Show, Wednesday: Be Bold with Boulden, Thursday: Interview Night
Wednesday Jan 03, 2024
The National Debt Explained
Wednesday Jan 03, 2024
Wednesday Jan 03, 2024
The national debt now stands at $34 trillion and some billions in change. The conversation around our debt has been in each election for decades. Despite our awareness of runaway and uncontrolled spending, neither the Republicans nor the Democrats have offered meaningful solutions. Analyst will tell you that there is nothing wrong with having a large debt because America is in good standing with the world regarding our dollar and treasuries owned by others. That is only half the story.
Today I decided to educate listeners about what the national debt is and how it has continued to grow. I discuss the non-marketable and marketable securities, while clarifying what is debt held by public and debt held only by the government, known as intragovernmental. Debt is not new as our country was founded in debt post the American Revolution. The world no longer works like it did over 200 years ago. Failure to address this crisis immediately will lead to the end of the Empire and experiment known as America.
In the second half of the show I address the resignation of Claudine Gay from the Presidency at Harvard.
Monday Jan 01, 2024
Predictions and Resolutions for 2024
Monday Jan 01, 2024
Monday Jan 01, 2024
Happy New Year!
The beginning of each calendar year often brings resolutions, goals, and, predictions for the coming months. The most common resolutions can be found immediately in the aftermath of the holidays. Subscriptions to workout clubs and fitness programs increase, only to be found unused several weeks later. Goals are made to be achieved but many lose focus on how to attain them. Predictions are hit and miss with those successful being proclaimed prophets of modern times, and the misses are quickly forgotten and dismissed.
I wanted to highlight actionable steps and a plan for 2024 for the Bold American listeners. As we enter into what will likely be a contentious election, there will be a need for vision that unites society and courageous conversations. As we journey through the coming year we can adjust course, celebrate our milestones, and assess where we are at along the way. Each of us need to be accountable for our thoughts, words, and actions. Today I’m offering encouragement and practical steps so we can celebrate a better you, and a better us.
Friday Dec 29, 2023
Master Astrologer, Chris Largent, On Why the Stars Matter
Friday Dec 29, 2023
Friday Dec 29, 2023
Millions of people read horoscopes each day. They are dismissed by just as many as purely for entertainment purposes. The idea of the stars dictating information about our personality and opportunities is rooted in more nuanced history. The ancient civilizations studied the night sky and told of stories that explained the human experience for others. Their studies and information has been passed on and rediscovered throughout time.
My guest today is Master Astrologer, Chris Largent. He has 40 years in education in philosophy, has published five books, and leads the classical academy known as, The Seventh Academy.
Our conversation aimed to explain to my audience why the stars matter in each of our lives. Chris will be invited back, because he opened conversation doors that we did not have enough time to cover. That stated, you are going to learn a ton today as we wrap up 2023.
Have a Happy New Year!
Wednesday Dec 27, 2023
Mercury in Retrograde, Now What?
Wednesday Dec 27, 2023
Wednesday Dec 27, 2023
As the holiday season approached I was told things will feel more difficult due to Mercury being in Retrograde. I did not understand what this meant, yet I have noticed a difference in society around me. I discovered when this happens people become more irritable, unfocused. Technology comes under stress and personal conflicts increase. Some may even experience mental health issues such as depression or anxiety.
Since we are still in the retrograde for another week I went to my "go-to" expert in the area of the unknown, Laurie Elizabeth. You may have heard her on previous shows, but she has her own, Seeker's Insights. She routinely covers the esoteric world and what is unseen.
As we prepare for 2024 together, enjoy the perspective and insight that Laurie offers. On Friday's show, we will expand on this with Chris Largent, a scholar, author, and master of astrology, with a conversation that had me dropping my jaw several times!
Monday Dec 25, 2023
A Christmas Morning Conversation and Blessing
Monday Dec 25, 2023
Monday Dec 25, 2023
Fr. John Gribowich has been a good friend since we met Freshman year of college. For years our large group celebrated Christmas eve by going out into Philadelphia and offering service to others through outreach and music. John now finds himself living on the other side of the country around new family, a group made up of beloved friends. We discuss the mindfulness of joy during this time of year and the challenges we all face. The blessing he offers at the end was just what I needed to place myself in a position to ponder 2024. I hope his words empower you as well.
Merry Christmas!
Friday Dec 22, 2023
Epstein Island Leaked Names and TerraMar
Friday Dec 22, 2023
Friday Dec 22, 2023
A judge has ruled that 180 names will be released from their involvement on Epstein Island in some capacity. Chris Michaels has brought a list that he says leaked online. We discuss the possibilities of names and why the individuals attended. There were likely both disgusting motives and invitations to create future bribery material.
Despite these names coming out, we still have little justice for the trafficked and abused. Tied with this island is a project of Ghislaine Maxwell called TerraMar. A global ocean community that would have granted immunity from the laws of land. We discuss why this would be tied to Epstein Island and the UK.
In the second half of today’s show we discussed Donald Trump and the Colorado court system.
Thursday Dec 21, 2023
Insurrection? Only to those Deceived.
Thursday Dec 21, 2023
Thursday Dec 21, 2023
There was no insurrection on January 6th, 2021.
Can you name one person lawfully charged with an insurrection?
Can you name one person lawfully convicted of an insurrection?
Can you remember who was acquitted of charges that related to January 6th?
The first two questions have no answer. No one has been charged or convicted. The final question has an answer, Donald Trump.
Let’s also not forget Amendment 14.3 does not apply to a President. Once again, people need to read the constitution with comprehension skills.
Why has Colorado taken this action? Listen to learn more.
Wednesday Dec 20, 2023
Screentime is Harmful But Do We Care?
Wednesday Dec 20, 2023
Wednesday Dec 20, 2023
Soon after Apple inventor and visionary Steve Jobs invented the iPad, he gave a cautionary warning. He was asked whether his children were enjoying the invention known as the iPad. Steve responded, “We don't allow the iPad in the home. We think it's too dangerous for them in effect…”.
The inventor knew that screen time was harmful to his children long before studies were done by the scientific community. Steve was acutely aware of the addictive nature of tactile feedback and the dopamine released in the reward structure of engaging with the content on his platform. In fact, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, were in agreement about children staying off screens.
There are now numerous studies showing cell phones and screen time are harmful and having psychological impact on teenagers. How did we respond to this invention?
Jeff Goldblum’s classic line in Jurassic Park, “so preoccupied with whether they could, they didn't stop to think if they should…”
We eliminated physical text books from the classroom and replaced it with Chromebooks and iPads. We taught teachers how to engage with cell phones since many high schoolers carried them to school. And over the past decade we have seen violent behavior, bullying, anxiety, and social wellness deteriorate. Instead of heeding the words of the inventors we arrogantly plowed forward for convenience.
Schools are now facing a spirited debate. Do phones belong in the classrooms? Today’s show presents the arguments, the studies, and the results. You can be a part of the solution.
Here’s three articles to get you started before you speak with your local school board and state representatives.
Greg Boulden
Over the past decade Greg has become one of the most trusted voices in independent journalism. His show rocketed to the top 5% of all podcasts globally as part of the America Out Loud News Network.
Greg launched his patreon at Subscribe to America Emboldened
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