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Sunday Dec 17, 2023
Decency is on the Ballot
Sunday Dec 17, 2023
Sunday Dec 17, 2023
During the 2020 election Joe Biden stated that decency was on the ballot. Americans were asked to choose him to select a decent, character for office, one with compassion, and one that would show the world who we wanted to be. Perhaps no one vetted the statements from Biden, because over the past three years it looks like America voted for the wrong person to bring decency to the office.
The White House has been home to sexual deviants, selecting individuals that steal and are obsessed with a sado-masochistic lifestyle. Parties held on the grounds of the people’s home have included drag shows and individuals going topless and posting on social media. The insides of the White House have had cocaine laying out with investigators unable to locate the source, despite cameras and logs for the building.
The presidents son has his own storied past with decency. We are now learning that Biden has been lying about his involvement with his son. Biden has a five decade history of lying to the public, inflating his collegiate career, plagiarizing others, misrepresenting his civil rights activism, and making racist comment in public. Decency was on the ballot, perhaps democrats did not, and do not care.
A sex tape was released from the Senate hearing rooms over the weekend. Democrats have enabled the sexual indecency with the Biden-Harris term.
Greg Boulden
Over the past decade Greg has become one of the most trusted voices in independent journalism. His show rocketed to the top 5% of all podcasts globally as part of the America Out Loud News Network.
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