America Emboldened Presents:
America Emboldened presents: is a trusted place for courageous discussions, truth, and uncensored 100% independent journalism, commentary, and entertainment. Greg Boulden and Chris Michaels bring cutting edge interviews, content, and unfiltered access to critical thought on all topics. Monday: Boulden & Michaels, Tuesday: The Chris Michaels Show, Wednesday: Be Bold with Boulden, Thursday: Interview Night
Sunday Dec 15, 2024
What is in the Sky? Air Taxis or Drones?
Sunday Dec 15, 2024
Sunday Dec 15, 2024
I went investigating over the weekend in NJ. Looks like this is manned aircraft with the possibility of another project being seen that is military related.
Tuesday Dec 10, 2024
The Quantum Awakening: Humanities Silent Surrender
Tuesday Dec 10, 2024
Tuesday Dec 10, 2024
The history books may show we were a golden age for information and technological marvels. However, we may also find that we stripped people away of their agency and delivered them to their slaughter. Are we living in barbaric times?
Thursday Dec 05, 2024
Nuremberg 2.0 Needed
Thursday Dec 05, 2024
Thursday Dec 05, 2024
The report is out on the pandemic response. It isn't good. Our government did everything it accused its critics of...
Thursday Dec 05, 2024
Pardon Me: The Politics of Preemptive Pardons
Thursday Dec 05, 2024
Thursday Dec 05, 2024
President Biden is considering a pre-emptive pardon of Dr. Tony Fauci. Today I explore the potential public consequences of this action and how our judicial system would never be trusted again. This action would forever put a smear on the Biden presidency.
Wednesday Nov 27, 2024
Safe & Effective for Profit: A Paramedics Story
Wednesday Nov 27, 2024
Wednesday Nov 27, 2024
Paramedic and military veteran Harry Fisher exposes secrets from the front lines of paramedics where he witnessed evidence of genocide via the 2020-2024 lockdowns, hospital procedures, mandates, and injuries from the experimental gene therapy treatment referred to as a "vaccine."
Wednesday Nov 27, 2024
An Attitude of Gratitude: Happy Thanksgiving
Wednesday Nov 27, 2024
Wednesday Nov 27, 2024
Today's show is a reminder that we are here. Others are as well, and we are blessed in abundance of the experience. Happy Thanksgiving to each of you, and thank you for being a part of my life through your enjoyment of the show.
Wednesday Nov 27, 2024
Plutonian Energy and the Venus Star Point
Wednesday Nov 27, 2024
Wednesday Nov 27, 2024
Today we dive into the celestial world of Astrology, the Venus Star Point, and Plutonian Energy, featuring the insightful Laurie Elizabeth from the popular Seeker's Insights podcast.
Laurie takes us on a journey to uncover the transformative power of the Venus Star Point, its role in shaping relationships, creativity, and personal growth, and how it’s influencing the energy of the cosmos right now. We’ll also delve deep into Plutonian Energy—its intensity, its shadows, and its capacity to catalyze profound change in our lives.
Whether you’re a seasoned stargazer or just beginning to explore the mysteries of astrology, this episode promises to enlighten and inspire. Tune in to uncover how these cosmic forces might be shaping your world and how you can align with their transformative power.
Monday Nov 11, 2024
Labeling Trump Supporters by the Left
Monday Nov 11, 2024
Monday Nov 11, 2024
The election has caused a greater schism in our country and unity is not only something that is sorely needed, there is one side completely abandoning it. The hypocrisy of those siding with the left is now on full display. The democrats and those who have long supported policies that focused on social issues and inclusivity are now left grasping for fallacious claims to comfort their concerns about how Donald Trump was re-elected. To quote a local filmmaker and musician who seems brainwashed and parroted by mentally ill people across the country, those that went into the ballot and voted for Trump were voting for sexism, racism, homophobia, antisemitism, and embrace nazi idealogy. These individuals believe the voters use economy, inflation, taxes, as buzzwords to hide their “inherent sexism and racism”. I voted for Trump last Tuesday, not because I support him as an individual, but because if it was voting for communism or the possibility of liberty, I will vote liberty every day of the week. I’m not alone. I love my friends and family of all sexual orientations, gender, race, economic status, disabilities and more, and that’s why I voted against Harris/Walz on Tuesday. I voted to force the democrat party off the ledge of their extremism and recalibrate to represent liberty. Those that cannot understand my vote and millions more are in for a rude awakening. So sit back grab a cup of coffee, and let’s Get Bold!
Greetings Bold Critical Thinkers! Perhaps you are processing the election last week. There are many implications of the results, but few have been highlighted by the news media. The premise of today’s show is to expose that we at our most basic understanding of humanity are not who we believe we are, nor have many of us processed what we have become over time. In meditating on how to best put together today’s show I struggled with finding a way to be loving and accountable. Often times I use Plato’s allegory of the cave to explain the struggles of humanity to accept a paradigm shift. Each of us believes we have left the cave, and the cruel twist of fate is many are incapable of seeing their view as the chained and shackled watching images on the wall. I do not offer today’s show as a superior view, or to paradigm or red pill anyone with my thoughts. I’m simply hoping we can sit with the information and reflect. If you find this show helpful today, please consider sharing it with a friend or loved one that may need it.
Perhaps what you heard me sat about the filmmaker/musicians comments at the top of the show you’ve seen similar in your own communities. People who are choosing to believe the shadows on the wall instead of venturing outside of their own cave. Sadly, these individuals are cutting off loved ones, long time friendships, work relationships, by choosing a political side over the human experience of loving one another. How did we get here? How does one wake up a political being and stop recognizing a human being? Surely, not everyone who voted for Donald Trump hates their neighbors that are in marginalized and minority groups. Well, the answers are not easy, they take patience, reflection, and questioning our caves reality. Let’s dive into this a bit more by exploring why and how this thought process became prevalent.
For those looking for a progressive voice that is starting to speak up about why Trump won, Senator Bernie Sanders is lashing out at his own party and voters. He recently went on CNN with Dana Bash and said that the economy problem is over 50 years old and you can’t blame Biden or Trump for it. He spoke about how the countries working class experienced the most progressive domestic changes from Biden, but it failed to impact them in practical financial ways, which Trump spoke to on the campaign trail. Bernie Sanders is correct, and the left should be paying attention when I’m quoting an openly socialist progressive on my show. He is the antithesis to the liberty minded content I provide, but yet, even I am able to compliment him when he’s correct. I start here because this is the model the far-left is missing. They are unable to find things they like about any Republican or Trump. The far-left has claimed moral superiority while ignoring major red flags.
I try to keep religion out of the forefront of my arguments because I like to cast as wide a net as possible when fishing for open minds. However, for part of today’s show I must use the framework of morality in order to expose those selling morality in the form of social justice and inclusion. When you confront issues with a lens of which to study it further you can see details others miss. I understand that this can be a nuanced topic, but we need a framework for the discussion. Many atheist emphasize reason, empathy, and share human values for their morality. There has been a rise in liberal politics and atheist as they combine on a view of individual freedom and non-religious governance, but perhaps this has led to a loss of morality and introspection.
To understand the election results and why someone may have voted for Donald Trump, I believe it is important to define the shifting morality on secular values, as these are rooted in religious beliefs that do not stand with hatred. Atheist move to secular-based morality now prioritizes personal autonomy, equal rights, social justice - however, what is the foundation of these beliefs without framework of religion or ethical standards that are inherent to being human? Morality ceases to be objective, it loses grounding in relativism, and the language and beliefs will shift like the sand beneath the waves of popular thoughts and wants of the day.In the progressive ideology there are emotional traps that ignore reality. The left has become so resentful towards those that push back that they use labels in order to categorize the thoughts and views they disagree with. This emotional response is not based in truth nor is it capable of understanding. Like the filmmaker musician I quoted, to reduces complexity and present implicit judgement revealing bias. It’s a low IQ decision to label because it self-reinforces within ones own group identity what another person or group can or should be. It’s reductionist. Humans are complex. We cannot be reduced to a label. Fallacies begin with an illusion of truth. This is why propaganda and advertisements are successful. Politics and media knows that slogans and repeated phrases will stick even when there is not substantial evidence to back the claims.
The filmmaker/musician wrote these exact words: “if you voted for Trump, you are no friend of mine. I view you as a sexist, racist nazi. Millions of us see you this way. Consider yourself unseen, unheard, and unloved by me, eternally.”
Where does someone learn this labeled behavior? The human brain favors simplicity. To work outside of labels takes cognitive time, and the brain avoids overload. This is why meditation and going on walks in nature can be transformative time when we make it easier to process information and sit in silence. Most people resort to cognitive ease and label when there isn’t time to complete a task, or they have no interest in understanding the full picture. In this case, the full picture is Donald Trump, and how could he be voted back into office.You would need to further understand that this individual, and the thousands like him are operating on confirmation bias. It’s lazy, and weak minded individuals accept information that aligns with their beliefs. This is not an affliction of a political side, the right does this as well. It presents an oversimplified view of others and news stories. Here’s an example of confirmation bias that those who hate Trump and those that vote for him - that is destroyed under scrutiny: I’m going to ask you to reflect on whether any of this is why you feel a certain way about Trump if you believe he is an evil man.
Russian Collusion - the label itself is dishonest as collusion is not a legal term used by investigators. It was a media and political term. Mueller himself clarified this in his report that he was looking for conspiracy and coordination - none of which he could find evidence of an unlawful act.
Trump supported white supremacist when he said there were “Fine People on both Sides” - Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the labeling left love to use this quote and they are lying through their teeth each time. They took a sound byte out of context on MSNBC and the entire left ran with it for their confirmation bias. What he really said was “I'm not talking about the Neo-Nazis or the White Nationalists because they should be condemned totally. I'm talking about people other then the Nazis or Nationalists who were treated badly by the press.”
Perhaps you remember the “Russia Bounty on Troops” This story came out in June 2020 and was used against Trump in his re-election campaign - In April 2021, the Biden administration reviewed the intelligence used for these claims and stated there was nothing to substantiate the evidence - after it was used against Trump.
Remember in 2020, the 51 former intelligence officials including former CIA directors who said the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation a month before the election? Social media removed news sources that cited the laptop as Russian disinformation, and the public never had the laptop formally confirmed until Hunters trial in 2024 where he was found guilty of other charges, and the laptop was used as evidence in his case. This was election interference.
Perhaps you believe he told people to drink bleach to cure Covid… He never said bleach - he asked if there was a way to use a disinfectant in some way inside the body - possibly UV light inside the body - which was being used in studies in other countries at the time. He never said bleach.
Maybe you believe overturning Roe banned abortion - it didn’t - it moved it back to the states since there was no constitutional amendment addressing it.
I can continue on with media lies and progressive left deceit with the “All illegals are vermin” lie, the “Bloodbath” distortion used to claim he’d be a dictator on day one, Lafayette Square, Soldiers as losers and suckers, selling nuclear secrets, and taking control of the beast. Every one of these stories created bias, division, and hatred. It was a deceptive narrative that has people like this musician and filmmaker showing he has failed to have an original thought, instead going with the herd mentality to do the least rock n roll thing ever, conform with other people and worse, the least artistic thing, the group think over individualism.But that still doesn’t explain how we got to this level of mental illness on display in both his words and so many others. I refuse to say the name of the artist I’ve been speaking about because when confronted on his words, and offered to appear on today’s show, I was met with silence and was promptly blocked. This is not someone who should be throwing around hatred in the form of inclusion and social justice. However this is a valid example of the extremism of the left, and the millions left scratching their heads on how Trump was elected again. Isn’t it funny how the same people fighting for inclusion are quick to practice exclusion when confronted with objective truth?
Earlier in the show I laid a foundation for understanding the left vs the right ideology through atheist vs traditional religious perspective, with outliers somewhere between these two groups. Through this lens we can clearly see that Donald Trump did not win an election over Kamala Harris. The popular vote not only supported a Republican ticket, but also elected a majority Senate, and likely, a Republican house. It was what the media would refer to as a red wave. This is not a vote for Donald Trump, it is a referendum on unchecked progressive measures. Those that do not understand that their ideology was rejected for more conservative traditional measures, and a return to the morality of a larger religious paradigm - that our rights come from no government, rather are inherent with our birth right, will be unable to objectively understand the election results.
The democrat party has increased it’s emphasis on personal autonomy and social justice, but fail to stay within the framework of the constitution and our personal rights in life. You cannot legislate a collective group to have rights. All rights are individual rights. The constitution does not grant any rights, it is a list of protections, and even if they are not listed, the 9th Amendment turns those protections over to the States and protect’s peoples unlisted rights by restricting federal governments power. The Republican Party has resorted to situational ethics based on their desired goals and moral relativism has changed their stance from religious values to values of convenience. They largely stand for populism within their own party while abandoning personal freedom and responsibility. Interesting in this study of the two parties and moral relativism is how quickly the Republicans embraced “My body my choice” over vaccine mandates, while Democrats decided it was only “Your Body Your Choice” if you were a female and wanted an abortion, vaccines that were still in experimental design deemed you against the science by the left.And what is the science? Have we allowed lobbyist, moral relativism, and the cold progressive collectives to alter the arguments for what is scientific? Well, if you paid attention to the scientific method, yes - we have. Science is not linear. Modeling and arguing must not be left out like they were excluded during the pandemic. We should be weary of people that claim “They are the science”. The science, is never settled. This is a progressive move of science in rooted in the same moral relativism - controlled by whomever is the selected authoritative regime voice of the day.
So who voted for Trump, a man charged with multiple crimes, found guilty of using money illegally… A man that the left labeled Hitler, with MSNBC comparing his Madison Square Gardens rally as a rebirth of nazism in the United States in sensationalized reporting. A man that President Biden repeatedly called a threat to our democracy. A man that is said to be a rapist - despite not one successful criminal charge of rape. A man said to be homophobic despite countless gay weddings at Mar-A-Lago and being the only modern president in support of gay marriage on the day they walked into the White House. Well - the answer is not one the left will like.
Jewish people voted for Trump. The Israeli prime minister is excited to work with him in ending the conflict in Gaza. Gay people voted for Trump, tired of the LGBTQ+ agenda focusing on trans people while wanting to refocus back on the individual and the economy. Hispanics voted for Trump and the working class coalition. In fact Latino voters flocked to Trump leading him to victory. The Amish even mobilized and voted for Trump after being neutral for years - certainly they must now be nazis! Black people voted for Trump as well, because they saw through the white supremacy label and the pandering of the left for their vote. Many like to say, what have Republicans done for the black man and woman. Democrats campaign on promises that bankrupt and tax our economy, overpromising and underdelivering. Donald Trump did not pander to the black vote - and his record as president did the speaking. He provided historic funding for HBCU’s, expanded school choice enabling marginalized communities to seek education outside their community, signed the FIRST STEP ACT into law - with 90% of those receiving reduced sentences being black, shortening mandatory sentencing and reforming the justice system. 1.4 million black American found a job, with black poverty reaching a historic low in his third year in office, and established $1 billion in capital funding for minority owned businesses. Those that want to be pandered to may have missed some of these highlights, while Trump was busy delivering quietly over his first term. Certainly Trump must want black men and women to fail right?
I can’t teach you to unlearn the lies you’ve been taught in a single podcast, but I can help you reflect. I did not vote for Trump. I voted against the progressive left. I didn’t vote against gay people or trans people. I voted for individual liberty and the right for children to be protected until they are 18 years of age from adults giving children gender confusion with their disturbing focus on sexualizing children at young ages. I didn’t vote for White supremacy, I voted for equal opportunity and loving my neighbors enough to not believe I’m their white savior, that must claim I’m an ally for whatever new slacktivist cause the internet deems I need to support in order to be a good human. I didn’t vote for nazism - because the nazi’s already showed themselves in 2020 when they demanded papers please to eat at restaurants, instead of wearing a star of David, they showed the badge of Pfizer and Moderna. I voted against the nazis that kicked people out of thanksgiving and Christmas parties for being unclean (unvaccinated) people. I voted against the lies of the democrats who paid “Call Me Daddy” podcast hosts millions to promote their campaign and give an illusion of popularity. I voted against the election interference of the media who has refused to correct and tell the true journalism story about Donald Trump and the double standard they practice. I voted because I love you each so much, I know in my heart it was the right choice even if it caused me to be labeled.
I acknowledge there are nazi’s in both parties. There are racist Dems and Republicans. There are white nationalist and homophobes in both parties too. I’m against all of those groups.
I likely cannot change the tide today with this show, but I can bring clarity to those wondering - how did we get here.As for the filmmaker and musician that inspired today’s show. I’m hopeful no one treats him unkindly. We should lead with love in our hearts because every person is just as broken in other ways as he is. We should find compassion while holding him and others accountable for their ignorance. We should flood them with kindness so the mental illness many are afflicted by becomes changed with love, finding the face of Christ in others in a world cloaked in darkness. This particular person is cloaked in darkness, and millions more like him. Continue to be the light of the world. We are called for this, and this alone. Truth is freedom.
Greg Boulden
Over the past decade Greg has become one of the most trusted voices in independent journalism. His show rocketed to the top 5% of all podcasts globally as part of the America Out Loud News Network.
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