America Emboldened Presents:
America Emboldened presents: is a trusted place for courageous discussions, truth, and uncensored 100% independent journalism, commentary, and entertainment. Greg Boulden and Chris Michaels bring cutting edge interviews, content, and unfiltered access to critical thought on all topics. Monday: Boulden & Michaels, Tuesday: The Chris Michaels Show, Wednesday: Be Bold with Boulden, Thursday: Interview Night
Thursday May 02, 2024
BREAKING: Trump to Speak at Libertarian Convention
Thursday May 02, 2024
Thursday May 02, 2024
On Thursday, a rumor spread that Donald Trump would be speaking at the Libertarian national convention in May. America Emboldened quickly reached out to party leadership and affiliates and was able to get an interview to confirm the news as an exclusive to the show. Today we are joined by Project Manager working on the campaign of Mike ter Matt for President, Dr. Irene Mavrakakis. Dr. Mav shares the breaking news that the Libertarian Party is excited to extend invitations to both Donald Trump and Joe Biden. There may also be more news from Robert F. Kennedy Jr., if he decides to attend as well.
This week saw a uni-party vote bi-partisan to rob Americans of their first amendment rights with the vote for HR 6090. The Libertarian party could be poised to leave the children’s table in political circles and move towards having an equal voice in conversations. All eyes will be on D.C. in May when the convention takes place which is a remarkable achievement by the leadership in the party.
HR 6090, officially known as the Antisemitism Awareness Act, is a piece of legislation passed by the United States House of Representatives that aims to expand the federal definition of anti-Semitism. This expansion is intended to help the Department of Education determine if harassment or discrimination against Jewish students on college campuses is motivated by anti-Semitic intent. The bill requires the Department of Education to consider the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) Working Definition of Antisemitism when making such determinations. The IHRA definition includes examples of anti-Semitism, such as denying Jews the right to self-determination or drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis.
When the news broke about the vote results, Michaels and Boulden took to X with a live show blasting the ramifications of the language in the bill. Critics of the bill argue that this could conflate legitimate criticism of the Israeli government with anti-Jewish bigotry, which could potentially chill free speech and violate the first amendment. Using the IHRA definition to determine anti-Semitic incidents could suppress criticism of Israel's policies and actions towards Palestinians, thereby hindering broader efforts to combat true instances of discrimination against Jewish communities.
Additionally, some people, including members of the Jewish community, are concerned that codifying a single definition of anti-Semitism is inappropriate and that the Jewish community has not reached a consensus on the matter.
Learn more on today’s episode.
Tuesday Apr 30, 2024
The Price Paid for Your Soul
Tuesday Apr 30, 2024
Tuesday Apr 30, 2024
In 2023 worldwide advertisers spent approximately $30 billion on influencer marketing. The Biden Administration and the political parties have also spent undisclosed millions on this practice with hired employees in charge of procuring results. The practice of social engineering results through influence culture is no longer limited to advertisers. Religion and politics are now reaching out and marketing themselves and their message.
During the 2016 campaign, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton spent $80 million on social media. Now the Catholic Church and other denominations seem to be joining the trend of marketing to a broader audience to spread their message. Russell Brand, the English comedian and actor, just publicly stated he was baptized as a Catholic. Candace Owens also posted in the same time frame with positive press for the church. Could this be the price that they are willing to pay for your soul?
The influence culture is not new, advertisers have understood the importance and lobbied for human attention for hundreds of years. The covert nature is now slicker and with more reach. Soros and Rockefeller groups are now allegedly being tied to funding protestors on college campuses. The organic rise of protest and influence cannot be distinguished between paid advertisers and concerned citizens.
There is no price to steep for their agenda, and they believe you can be bought.
Sunday Apr 28, 2024
The Federal Trade Commission is Wrong on Non-Compete
Sunday Apr 28, 2024
Sunday Apr 28, 2024
Last week the Federal Trade Commission ended Non-Compete clauses with it's "Final Rule". Soon after the filing companies will have 120 days to prepare for the new ruling. If you are like many Americans, you may have never signed a non-compete clause. That stated, companies that handle fast food franchises to media empires have long relied on them to keep talent from leaving and taking trade secrets with them. Big tech has used non-compete to maintain intellectual properties. The FTC endangers innovation with their latest ruling.
Today's show I ask, "How is this Constitutional?" Will this be a positive or a negative for America?
Friday Apr 26, 2024
Investigating the Paranormal with Scientific Inquiry
Friday Apr 26, 2024
Friday Apr 26, 2024
Kenny Biddle is an investigator of paranormal claims. He is chief investigator at the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry and a fellow of the same organization.
Initially interested in ghost hunting, UFOs and other fringe pursuits, Biddle gradually adopted a scientifically minded approach to the study of a wide range of paranormal phenomena.
Wednesday Apr 24, 2024
HR7888 Separate Fact from Fiction with Cohost, Paul Engel
Wednesday Apr 24, 2024
Wednesday Apr 24, 2024
The Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution protects against unreasonable searches and seizures and requires that warrants be issued only upon probable cause and supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. The application of Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) in relation to the Fourth Amendment has been a subject of debate and legal scrutiny.
On April 20th H.R. 7888, “Reforming Intelligence and Securing America Act” became public law. The bill reauthorizes Title VII of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) for another five years, while also enacting important changes under Section 702.
Section 702 of FISA is a provision that authorizes the collection of foreign intelligence information on non-U.S. persons located outside the United States, often through the surveillance of electronic communications such as emails and phone calls. It has been a key tool used by the U.S. government to monitor communications involving foreign individuals who are suspected of being involved in terrorism, espionage, or other national security threats.
Section 702 evolved in response to the changing nature of global communications and the need for intelligence agencies to adapt to new technologies and threats.
FISA was put in place due to several factors in 1978. In the 1960s and 1970s, there were revelations of various government surveillance programs targeting political activists, civil rights leaders, and other individuals deemed as dissenters. One notable example was the FBI's COINTELPRO program, which targeted domestic groups perceived as subversive. These revelations raised concerns about the potential for government overreach and violations of civil liberties.
After Watergate and some other abuses of power in government, the Church Committee began investigating intelligence activities of the CIA and FBI. Starting in 1975 the committee would highlight numerous instances of illegal and/or improper surveillance of individuals that needed immense oversight. FISA aimed to strike a balance between national security and safeguarding individual rights.
After September 11th, 2001, the Government quickly enacted the Patriot Act a month later. There was a significant expansion of U.S. counterterrorism efforts, including increased surveillance activities by intelligence agencies. This quickly passed act expanded the government's surveillance powers in various ways, including the authorization of roving wiretaps and the use of National Security Letters (NSL).
The NSL has been controversial since the introduction of the Patriot Act and the 2008 renewal. The FBI no longer needed prior judicial approval, meaning they can receive customer records, transactional Dara, and other information from 3rd parties while never obtaining a warrant from a court.
In the new 2024 renewal, my guest today, Paul Engel, explains that the practice of not needing a warrant continues and is now expanded. According to his research into the new law of the land, Paul discovered a warrant was not needed, simply verbal approval from a superior. We discuss today how Americans continue to allow unlawful bills to be passed and enacted.
You can follow Paul Engel on X @cyberengel, and catch his show “The Constitution Study” on the America Out Loud News Talk Radio program.
Monday Apr 22, 2024
Acknowledging Harm for Convenience
Monday Apr 22, 2024
Monday Apr 22, 2024
Global communication comes at a cost to human survival. Radiation increases as we continue to push faster upload and download speeds for convenience and instant gratification. Users of cell phones can read the terms of use agreements and discover that the exposure from use may be harmful over prolonged usage. The warnings are acknowledged and quickly forgotten and ignored. But why?
Humanity does not need to look back too far into history to see a similar scenario. In the middle of the 18th century tobacco began advertising far and wide to consumers. Over the next 150 years they successfully convinced users of tobacco that it was a healthy choice. During the wars of the 20th century the military promoted cigarettes to reduce stress and promote social wellness.
Science caught up as research showed definitive information that it was harming more than helping. Clear evidence was rebuked as those who smoked continued to explain away how the science was flawed. The tobacco industry purposefully distorted and suppressed information while glamorizing the lifestyle in advertisements. The economic interest on the global economy kept governments from choosing to regulate. It took many decades to shift people to awareness of risks and change the societal perception.
Our society is in the same predicament now, but worse. Food selection is leading to mental health decline as more processed meals are prepared than natural whole food. We are becoming what we eat. We are increasing communications capabilities at the cost of our brainwaves and skin health. Our bodies are becoming part of the communications grid without our consent. Convenience and misdirection keep us looking away. At some point in time we need to acknowledge the harm from convenience we are bringing upon ourselves.
Friday Apr 19, 2024
Ancient Secrets Hidden By NASA and NIKON merger
Friday Apr 19, 2024
Friday Apr 19, 2024
The iconic camera maker Nikon inked a deal with NASA to create a camera system for their lunar Artemis III project. The next day Nikon discontinued their flagship technological consumer camera, the Coolpix P1000. Photographers have hailed the P1000 for it’s technical abilities in capturing images at what is effectively a 6000mm zoom lens, and could zoom in on people 4 miles away with clarity. For several years images have been made and videos of the lunar surface using this camera.
Images of the moon with Nikon’s product have raised questions in the observer community as many have caught abnormalities in measurements and events. Most recently the camera caught planets that appeared to show them vibrating at unique frequencies. An ancient world of a time long before humanity was able to be viewed by anyone that purchased this camera. However, after the deal with NASA, Nikon announced the camera would no longer be in production. Inventory immediately ceased on their website within 24 hours.
The deal with NASA has raised questions about whether Nikon was forced to pull their camera from the market. Over the past few years cell phone maker Samsung has used an AI algorithm to provide users “photo” capabilities of the moon. The cell phone images are doctored and not authentic recreations.
Earlier this week, Chris Michaels found an account on social media creating artificial granite out of ash. The creator has been making “molds” that could explain the ancient structures seen around the world. While many have asked whether lasers were available centuries ago, this new method shows that these structures could have been molded in place with no issues. Perhaps the changing energy on the earth is connected to earlier civilizations that were advanced in alchemy and knowledge.
As Chris and Greg discuss the awakening of people to new possibilities and openness to ideas, Greg mentions that he has become fatigued with politics. There is a constant barrage of information with a need for a hot take, and we discuss Donald Trump’s court case and the jury selection without the sensationalism.
They round out the show talking about biohacking. There are many looking to extend their life through drastic measures. These include plasma transfusions from younger family members to parents and strict regimens of saunas and hyper basic oxygen. Who wants to live forever?
Wednesday Apr 17, 2024
Hiking to Become: A Conversation with Jessica DeAngelo
Wednesday Apr 17, 2024
Wednesday Apr 17, 2024
In a recent book, The Anxious Generation, the author, Jonathan Haidt presents facts about an epidemic of mental illness. His book focuses on teenagers and the connection to the virtual world where he claims we are killing our children. The book is a great read and highlights a larger issue in society, the general disconnect from the physical world and escapism into the virtual. This is not an epidemic of teens, this is a global crisis of the developed world and creating mental health issues in all ages.
Augmented reality begins daily each morning as humanity awakens to cell phone messages via text, email, and social platforms. Cortisol shoots through the body in quick production as images begin to be processed in our awakening brain. For the next twelve to eighteen hours we continue to plunge into screen time and a false reality disconnected from nature. Humanity has always been connected to the earth. The post-modern human is now connected to fiber optics and 5G.
There are people who are in tune with the false reality facing society. These individuals are often quietly living contently and counter culture while others walk by them in ignorance. You may see them on nature walks, meditating in a park, or notice them in line as they exude peace and tranquility. Perhaps you may even be jealous that they seem unfazed by the drama of politics and headlines.
My guest today is hiking to become, healthier, focused, successful, inspiring, at peace, and much more. Jessica DeAngelo is a trailblazer in nature-inspired business consulting, offering transformative experiences for impact-driven leaders and their teams. As a keynote speaker, executive coach, and business strategist, Jessica empowers individuals to embrace authenticity and fearlessly collaborate, leveraging unconventional methods for strategic success. Formally a Global Account Director and Regional VP, she has orchestrated multimillion-dollar strategies fostering brand-to-brand alignment for Fortune 500 companies like Amazon, Apple, Nike, and Uber. With her experience managing multicultural teams and achieving remarkable revenue goals, Jessica is uniquely positioned to guide diverse teams towards vulnerability and mindfulness, unlocking incredible results.
Today, Jessica is the Chief Hiking Officer and Strategic Visionary behind the brand “Hike to Become.” She is the creator of the HIKE 31 Challenge. It is her mission to harness the power of nature and inspire everyone to discover their authentic self again. Jessica has been called an Innovative Disrupter at heart, changing the way business consulting and coaching is traditionally done by empowering her clients to find strategy and innovation from the trail to the boardroom.
Jessica strives to share her love of the outdoors with everyone around her and instill confidence to navigate the unexpected. Our conversation today should begin to help you with scientific backed evidence that connecting with nature works.
Greg Boulden
Over the past decade Greg has become one of the most trusted voices in independent journalism. His show rocketed to the top 5% of all podcasts globally as part of the America Out Loud News Network.
Greg launched his patreon at Subscribe to America Emboldened
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